My body of work

Comics and graphic novels, children’s picture book illustration and writing, editorial illustration, display prints and animation — I love this field and I’d love to work with you. Please find here my art portfolio and some examples of my professional and personal work.

Illustration and comic book artwork

Discovering an idea, developing a thesis, planning a working strategy, research and mapping materials and dimensions are all essential to developing a new illustration. Once the artwork is planned and signed off by my client, I use a combination of digital and traditional methods to implement the design, and create an illustration that speaks to the viewer.

Psalm 22 comic page 1
Easter comic page - psalms 22 - why have you forsaken me

Children’s book & picture book illustration

How I love a good children’s book! With a degree in Design and in which my thesis project was an adaption of Peter Pan, plus lots of experience illustrating for children and many hours spent reading children’s books to children, I find working in the field of Kid’s Lit to be delightful and rewarding. Here are a few examples of my professional work.

Adventure Today cover
Adventure Today cover